The Canada Prenatal Nutrition Program (CPNP) is a community-based program that provides support to improve the health and well-being of pregnant women, new mothers and babies facing challenging life circumstances. CPNP helps support the needs of pregnant women facing challenges that put their health and the health of their infants at risk. These challenges include poverty, teen pregnancy, social and geographic isolation, substance use and family violence. CPNP also increases the availability of culturally sensitive prenatal support for Aboriginal women.

The CPNP is funded by The Public Health Agency of Canada.

While each CPNP project is unique, a set of six guiding principles help to unify the approach to program delivery:

Mothers and babies first — the health and well-being of the mother and baby are most important in planning, developing and carrying out the program.

Equity and accessibility — the program must meet the social, cultural and language needs of the pregnant women in the community and must be available in all parts of the country.

Community-based — decision making and action in planning, designing, operating and evaluating the program must be done as a community.

Strengthening and supporting families — all parts of society share the responsibility for children by supporting parents and families.

Partnerships — partnerships and cooperative activities at the community level are the key to developing an effective program.

Flexibility — the program must be flexible to respond to the different needs in each community and to the changing needs and conditions of women in these communities.

Program Address: 318 Colborne Street East, Brantford, ON N3S 3M9

Contact Information:
Email: [email protected]
office: 905-549-4884 ext. 304
cell: 519-209-3574

Email: [email protected]
office: 905-549-4884 ext. 303
cell: 519-802-9986

Karihwanoron Niwasa Child and Family Program (Brantford) Calendar – February 2025